Youth Advisory Council Recommendation: The Many Masks of Andy Zhou

The Many Masks of Andy Zhou by Jack Cheng

“Andy Zhou is off with a rough start after he bleaches his hair. This attracts bullies but Andy realizes one of his bullies might have more in common than they thought. When his best friend's spending more time with new friends, he realizes something has to change.” — Aaron H., age 13

Andy Zhou is used to being what people need him to be: the good kid for his parents and now grandparents visiting from Shanghai, or the helpful sidekick to his best friend Cindy’s rebellious plans and schemes.

So when Cindy decides they should try out for Movement at school on the first day of sixth grade, how can Andy say no? But between feeling out of place with the dancers, being hassled by his new science partner Jameel, and sensing tension between his dad and grandfather, Andy feels all kinds of weird.

Then, over anime, Hi-Chews, and Andy’s lizard-inspired artwork, things shift between him and Jameel, opening up new doors—and also new complications.

No matter how much Andy cares about his friends and family, it’s hard not to feel pulled between all the ways he's meant to be, all the different faces he wears, and harder still to figure out if any of these masks is the real him.